
Comas website, live now

Comas’ new website is now online, with renewed contents and an innovative style.

Thanks to the linear structure and the new graphic design, web users can easily access specific sections in order to better know the company.

Comas specializes in designing and manufacturing equipment, special purpose processing plants and ancillary machinery for all stages of tobacco processing industry. This means offering customers the very best in technology, quality and service.

The new website gives the possibility to discover the real heart of the company, especially about the solutions and services portfolio. Filtering by technology or industry it is very simple to access the most suitable solution for your business. Meanwhile the services section gives you the overview of the Comas customer oriented aftersales support.

Thanks to a strong synergy, Comas together with G.D, Sasib, Molins, and Cerulean offer the tobacco industry a complete support of machines and measurement equipment, which users can easily find browsing the new section dedicated to ”Tobacco Companies”; from this section it is  possible to have rapid access to each company’s website and find the most suitable solution for every business.

The new website is also available in the mobile version, giving customers the opportunity of keeping in contact with Comas globally.

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