With the revised Code of Ethics, Coesia intends to continually create highly favorable conditions to foster and share a social responsibility and sustainability project within all the Group's Companies.
The Coesia Group places ethics at the heart of entrepreneurial business conduct and recognizes the key cultural role of corporate responsibility in fostering and enhancing social relationships.
The Coesia Code of Ethics sets out the principles of conduct required for those who act in the name or on behalf of Coesia, governing the relationships with all stakeholders, both inside and outside the Company, and reflects the commitment to adopt best practices that not only comply with the law, but are also inspired by a strong sense of ethical integrity.
Coesia extends the possibility of reporting to all individuals who, in the context of their work-related activities, become aware of a possible violation of:
the Group Code of Ethics;
the Directive (UE) 2019/1937 relating to the protection of individuals who report breaches of Union law and its national transpositions (for companies based in the countries of the European Union) and of the Management and Control Model (for Italian companies);
Coesia’s Policies;
National and International legislations and regulations.
More information on the personal data processing available here.
To know how to report, read the Global Whistleblowing Policy
We are driven by the principles of integrity, fair competition and respect for the laws and regulations of the countries where we operate. To actively prevent corruption, Coesia has developed its own Anti-Corruption Guidelines as a concrete tool for application to everyday activities. The guidelines guarantee the highest standards in all business relationships and value creation for our stakeholders. For operations in Italy, G.D has adopted the model "Companies and Institutions Management Responsibility” pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Corporate responsibility touches on all aspects of supplier relations, from selection to regulation and management of supply agreements. For this reason, we drafted guidelines to steer collaboration with suppliers toward the characteristics of a partnership, by supporting participatory design and promotion of innovation, while respecting our values and core behavior parameters.